Creating a Great Place to Learn
Resourcing Teachers and Learners
A well-resourced school enables every child to attend and thrive. Feeding programs improve attendance and help concentration, whilst books to study, read and borrow improves knowledge and learning. Improving the environment with desks and supporting teachers helps create an environment where
'Hope and Excellence Driving Development'

Building their Future
Breakfast, Bikes, Desks, Books, Solar Lamps, Exercise Books, Computers, E learning Improve a Child's Ability to Access a Great Education and Give Them The Hope of a Better Future.
Food for the Body
School Feeding Programmes
Lunch and a means to cook is not a big deal to us, but for those in Malawi, Southern Africa, where the average wage is £1 a day, many children go for days without a nutritious meal.
It costs just £12.50 per child per year to provide school lunches, a mug of nutritious porridge.
That’s why we partner with Fisherman's Rest Community Projects providing funding for 3,200 school meals each day for the children in Mpemba, Chipwepwete and Namemde schools, in rural Blantyre.​

Having a nutritious meal every day brings hope and is transformational, both in the short term and for the long term development of the area. The impact is:
More children enrolled at school
An improvement in concentration and the ability to learn
Greater success at school
Please provide a meal for a child here
Schools in rural Malawi are under-resourced although resourcing makes an enormous difference to both the teachers and learners. Desks, chairs, textbooks, reading books, digital learning, and teaching aids all mean students have increased access to information to aid their learning as well as an improved learning environment. In schools like Chipwepwete and Mpemba, where we have already provided these resources, teachers are more motivated and learners enjoy school and are more successful.
You can help us be even more impactful by funding a desk for Tapani, Chipwepwete or Mafunde primary schools as this summer we aim to provide 200 learners who currently sit on the floor to learn.

Food for the Mind
Providing School Resources
Food for the Soul
Providing assemblies and clubs
We care for every learner irrespective of their faith. We want each learner to grow up knowing they have an important role in their community, and that they grow to be adults of integrity who are honest and loving. We also want to help children to grow in confidence so they can bring positive change and development to their communities. We facilitate assemblies and clubs in schools that build these qualities. As Christians, we believe that Jesus brings salvation and provides us with his Holy Spirit that means that we can live this kind of life.
We also help the school communities address gender issues and role models with a particular focus on helping girls to attend school in environments where early marriage and teenage pregnancy is prevalent, and menstruation is a taboo subject.

Resourcing Teachers
Providing School Resources
Most teachers working in rural schools have long distances to walk each day on difficult terrain. Chipwepwete school is 5km from the nearest tar road and market so getting to school is challenging and tiring. It takes most teachers over 2 hours to walk to school.
On April 7 teachers at Chipewpete Primary were provided with bicycles as a result of fundraising from one of our partners Trinity School, Croydon.
The bikes have already had a huge impact on the teachers. Teachers now arrive on time in the mornings and don’t miss school. This has a knock-on impact on student punctuality, which we hope will positively affect learning and performance.
Food for the Mind
E-Learning and computers
The massive disruption in education caused by covid-19 hits rural communities the hardest. Most learners have no access to online learning and few have textbooks at home. Malawi Learning Partnership has developed an app which, when complete, will enable access to the entire Malawi primary curriculum. With videos and slideshows from Malawian teachers, quizzes, diagrams and illustrations, the app will make learning interesting and accessible to children when they are not in school.
We are excited to partner with Malawi Learning Partnership and the Ministry of Education in Malawi to bring learning to children in a new way.
It can also be used in under resourced schools so children can continue with their education despite a lack of teachers or as a revision tool.

At home it can be used with phones borrowed from libraries or on phones owned by families. The app is in the development phase, and we need funding to develop further content for the app and to purchase phones so the app can be used in schools.
Our vision is that this app will be used by both students and teachers in all parts of Malawi.
Please contact us if you would like to help transform the learning environment for rural Malawian children by fundraising or volunteering to help develop the app.
Over the Phone
Talk to us. If you’d like to fund or part-fund a particular project please contact Mark at
07951 956613 or
For a one off gift direct to our Hope4malawi account please transfer to 40-52-40 00022888