Four members of the Hope4Malawi team visiting Malawi this summer spoke at the Mother’s day services at St Paul’s both morning and evening They asked people to reflect on what it must be like not to be able to give our children enough food so they can grow healthily and concentrate well at school.
the leaflet which people were given said ‘Providing lunch for our families rarely figures in our thoughts but for those in Malawi, Southern Africa where the average wage is $1 a day, many children go for days without a nutritious meal. As parents it’s hard to imagine what it would be like not to be able to give our children adequate food. This Mother’s Day, St Paul’s is teaming up with Hope4Malawi, a charity endorsed by Mission Support Team, so that a kitchen can be built and equipped at Mpemba, a rural school in southern Malawi. Once built, this will enable 1,600 pupils to have a hot meal each day, helping the children’s concentration, reducing illness and enabling them to achieve greater success at school. £10,000 is needed to build and equip the kitchen this spring, so it can be officially opened in the summer when a team from St Paul’s will visit to work in the school. It will then cost £7 a year to feed each of the children’
Hope4Malawi would like to thank everyone who contributed to the appeal.